This is one of most simple sandwich to make and taste so delicious, so far to whomever I have served this all have enjoyed and asked for more. My nephew love this and he always asks me for second serving. If you have unexpected guests then it’s a wonderful sandwich to greet them along with tea or coffee or you can have this as a quick breakfast or as evening snack to munch on guilt free. You can use whole wheat bread or multi grain bread whatever you like. It’s normally made with white bread.
Ingredients: [Serves 2]
Bread Slices – 4
Onion – 1/2
Ripe Tomato – 1
Boiled Potato – 1 small
Cucumber – 1/2 or 8 pieces
Green Chutney/Sandwich Chutney – 2-3 tbsp
Tomato Ketchup – 2-3 tbsp
Butter – As needed to spread [optional]
1. Cut all the veggies in round shape. I like to separate few of onion circles so I can use less of onion as doesn’t like to have onion smell after eating.
2. Trim bread edges and spread butter (if using) on two slice. Apply green chutney or sandwich chutney on top of butter and in another two slice spread tomato sauce/ketchup. [ I didn’t use butter]
3. Arrange the veggies as you like on the slice we have applied chutney. I normally first keep cucumber pieces, followed by tomato, onion and potato, cover it up with another slice of bread.
Try to keep tomato slice in middle so that it doesn’t makes the bread soggy.
Cut in desire shape and enjoy these yummy beauties. You can arrange the sandwich and make it as toast but I personally don’t like that as the veggie becomes little soggy while we toast. Or you can toast the bread and then arrange the sandwich too then I find the bread becomes chewy
Serve with tea/coffee, juice or anything of your choice. This can be a quick snack or breakfast if you have chutney ready, I normally keep my green chutney in fridge which lasts me more than a week.
Arrange the sandwich just before eating or the bread might become soggy due to chutney and veggie. And this goes to Archana’s Fast Food Not Fat Food, a event started by Priya
Have a nice day ~~